Ulcer, Tongue Pain And Sore Throat. Sti Mouth Ulcers??

Mouth Ulcers?? - ulcer, tongue pain and sore throat. sti

I have a viral infection and had been ill last week with a sore throat, flu-like symptoms, etc., but now I have small ulcers in the mouth and tongue pain. Can someone tell me how to get rid of them or the pain? It's killing me!


georgd58 said...

The warm salt water to help a bit. Warm water with hydrogen peroxide will help a little. No Combine salt and hydrogen peroxide. Herpicin L or Orajel helps a little, maybe a little better than hydrogen peroxide. But if it is viral, nothing will get rid of him. It goes by itself. The virus, technically they are not alive. You can not kill a virus. Antibiotics do not work on viruses. For this reason, should not themselves be treated if you catch a cold. When antiviral drugs do nothing but lower your immunity a little. If bacteria are antibiotic works like a charm, when a new trunk of a super-resistant. If he, he was dead or nearly so, we can not exclude this possibility.
The best thing to do is wait. Herpicin L was developed to reduce outbreaks of viruses, so that is probably better for you. It will not disappear, but it is less painful and help a little faster.


Gargling with warm water and hydrogen peroxide
Swallow, at least every hour or not --

sassy_se... said...

for the throat, gargling TCP's prostitutes, but really works, and the vortex of the mouth or gargling warm salt water and if Naste such as TCP, and the infection must be removed and soothes ulcers and well xxxxxxx

anney said...

A home agent is the wet tea bag and use it as a compress on the area. Camomile cooling provides rapid assistance - even swallowing food - with their anti-inflammation. Gargle with it or move it around your mouth and drink. Try to contribute, honey (honey, propolis in something could heal) If you prefer the taste or the need for calories.

Some people benefit from the use of more against current Bonjela gel that contains salicylic acid, choline. Choline salicylate is a local anesthetic is reduced pain and inflammation associated with ulcers in the mouth.

Some people have significant benefits in the consumption of dairy products like yogurt and buttermilk, reports containing the active cultures L. acidophilus.

metblond... said...

warm water and salt mouth wash xxxx often and drink plenty of water or cranberry juice also help you to help some xxxx bonjela or teething gel with the pain if it is bad xxxxx

b97st said...


♥Summer♥ said...

Orajel working fluid olsars

Edward W said...

Swish and swallow your local pharmacy.

Poppet said...


In addition to help with warm salt water (but not swallow, it will not be able to get the salt over the centuries).

Try gargling with aspirin.

Otherwise, if NHS Direct can be really bad or go to your website. You may be able to give advice.

JohnH(UK... said...

Follow all the instructions above ..... and only oral once again!

mad_mav7... said...

My wife discovered that Binidril Mix I (know that this is not written on the right side) and then worked MalOX hum.

pauline_... said...

First get a new toothbrush, then get some Corsodyl pharmacist is an antibacterial solution is very good, then a dentist appointment, I hope you will soon be better

murray said...

this right to cure ulcers, but does not interfere directly for about 10 seconds in the center of teaspoons of salt in his mouth. Now that his ulcer healed 1teaspoon try gargling with salted water in a half glass of warm water, mix well to reduce viral infection of the throat, see Doc

JJ88 said...

Put a little salt directly. You need to have lots of vitamin C in order to clarify this point.

Dooby said...

Bongeli is very good.


Doctors, Compeed, or could contribute bonjela

Glimmering Winter said...

I suffer too much for today ... I fear that no miracle cure .. But the inclusion in their answers to see if it works ..

I would say that I found Bonjella than the painful thing in the world for them! Pica like crazy to put on and almost immediately disappears .. It seems better to simply rinse your mouth with mouthwash ... It will sting for a second, but it reduces the pain for more than bonjella.

I used to Rinstead cake when I was younger used, but have not seen all age groups ... does not work very well for you in the real domain, but it tasted very good (I think).

Now you only need to drink plenty of water and make sure to make it a glass of water when I wake up in the middle of the night.

are usually the result of poor diet rich in fruits and vegetables will help you clarify them.

Good luck: 0)

Emmarose said...


ANDRE P said...

The doctors LOL!

lynda said...

Forgot bonjela salt, etc., used to go rinse the sores in his mouth soon. "Iv been quick to heal."

weegem1 said...

I agree with the use of saltwater Princess ....

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