Uncle Jam What Are Some Variations For Pear Jam?

What are some variations for pear jam? - uncle jam

My mother began to home-made jams, so my uncle gave us a big refrigerator with pears. already has one or two sentences of pear jam regularly, but want to know if maybe I could put a spice, or even mixed with other fruits. or ideas?


KatJones... said...

It can use pears for the sauce .. It's fabulous ...

35 medium pears - chopped
8 small onions - chopped
8 red and green peppers - chopped
4 cups sugar
Salt 1 / 4 cup
2 tablespoons mustard
2 tablespoons turmeric
2 liters of ethyl

After cutting, place the pears and vegetables in a colander, allow to drain off excess liquid. Simmer Pear Mix / vegetable mixture with remaining ingredients over low heat for 45 minutes.

The cooked sauce into sterilized jars. Process in water bath for 15 minutes.

jasmineb... said...

They were nuts? A few nuts in a little butter glaze fragrant, then add jam.

Cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom are all working well with pears.

Jane said...

Cinnamon, raspberry, berry work well almost.

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